Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Workout/Weight Woes

Ok, I didn't really expect to lose weight, but I've gained 5 lbs! I've got to get on a diet. I'm working out and it's killing me. I'm living on ibuprofen and now I'm 5 lbs heavier. Good grief. I have a terrible habit of eating when I'm stressed and it's defeating the whole purpose of working out. You can't get healthier and fatter. I've been so tired the last few days. I can't get enough sleep and I can't get enough done.

We made some progress on our robbery case yesterday...depending on how you look at it. They've turned over the investigation to the Tulsa gang unit. There is evidence that it was a gang crime. Can u imagine? They have arrested two women, but they are refusing to talk for fear of being murdered. I'm a bit frightened now. You see, I overheard a man in the grocery store talking about robbing someone. This was last Friday. Of course, I confronted the young man. He said it was a Tulsa robbery, not the one here. Anyway, I reported him but now I'm worried of retaliation. Well, I better get dressed, stretch, and hit the pavement. I don't want to, but sitting on my butt is not going to get rid of those 5 new pounds. Hope y'all have a great day!!!!

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