Saturday, August 16, 2008

An Update on Life

This is going to be the reader's digest version (and still too long if I know myself). It's been crazy busy lately. The insurance company wants receipts/warranties/pictures of everything that was stolen to prove we owned it before the robbery. I called--played a long game of phone tag actually--and here's their compromise (b/c of course I don't have receipts for all that stuff): My mother has to write a letter saying she is aware we owned said items and then it has to be notarized. Ridiculous. There are pages and pages of paperwork for me to fill out. I still haven't done it, but I need to get it done soon.

I got up this morning (4:55 a.m.) and the fridge was make a horrible sound. It's dead. We have another fridge in the garage so we moved it into the house. We didn't lose any food thankfully. This other fridge is old and beat up but it works and for that I'm thankful.

Evan is sick again. I took him to the doctor and he said his is reacting to an allergen in the air--probably my 20-year old cat! Stubs (the cat) is in the garage until further notice. It's sad, but I don't know what else to do. Nobody wants a 20 year-old cat, not even my mom. I WANT her but I can't compromise Evan's health.

Yesterday Evan started vomitting so I called the doctor again (this is after he'd already been to the doctor). He may also/or have a virus that's going around. The poor little guy is miserable. If the vomiting doesn't stop we're supposed to take him to Urgent Care. He vomitted again at 5 this morning... Poor little guy.

I didn't sleep much b/c I was worried about him. I had to make sure he was breathing. It scares me just thinking about ... He's still napping right now. I got him to go back to sleep at 6 so he's been asleep for 2 hours. I got up and went for a run/walk. I did my typical 2 mile route. I walked 5 minutes, R 90 seconds, W 90 seconds, R 90 seconds, W 90 seconds, R 3 minutes, W 3 minutes, R 3 minutes, W 3 minutes, R 4 minutes, W 90 seconds, R 55 seconds, and walked about 4-5 minutes. It was 34 minutes total. It's part of the scheduled workout for the couch 2 5K program. We are supposed to run a 5K in October. In fact, a bunch of us moms are going to walk/jog in the Race for the Cure in September. I'm not ready to run it, but I'll walk/jog it. I may do my scheduled workout that day. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone...

I have a busy week this week. I work 4 shifts at Wright Career College. I workout Tuesday a.m., Wednesday a.m. & p.m., and Thursday a.m. I'm going to be exhausted. But, we need the moolah. We have trips coming up and we just bought tile and new doors and now we may need a new fridge.

Well, I could chat forever but I have to run. I've been online for 45 minutes and my chores are screaming at me. Have a great day!!


Sarah said...

JOHNNA!!!! I can't believe baby Evan crawled!!!! OH my gosh! I'm speechless! He's not supposed to grow up so fast. Good grief! Congrats,'ve got a mover now! :) Love you!

Rachel said...

Sounds like an insane week - hopefully things settle down and things with the insurance company work out! Thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for the prayers. I've posted an update.