Monday, July 21, 2008

Some Good News & an Uplifted Spirit

I have some good news about the banking situation! :-) I called F&M Bank and they will give us full access to the funds by next Monday, which means I can pay my mortgage without putting it on a credit card or being late! Yippee! Oh, we have an account with F&M, and that's why we can use them. Honestly, I don't like the bank but had never quite got the account closed. That's a blessing for you! If we had closed that account, we would have been in a mess right now.

I feel soooo relieved. I have to call the roofer and delay that for a few days, but that's no big deal. I can manage this. I can handle this b/c of God's strength.

If you can't tell, I'm going through a bit of a spiritual revival. These hard times have forced us to sink or to rely on the awesome power of the Lord. I can't even believe I'm writing this. I don't hardly ever talk about the Lord. I guess it's fear that I'm not a good enough example and I won't do Him justice. When I was first dating Jarred, a good friend of mine (at the time--she later boycotted my wedding) told me I shouldn't wear my cross anymore b/c I had slept with Jarred. After much debating, I did eventually take it off. I didn't wear one again until after I was married and I still find that I feel unworthy to wear it. I guess I've just been living in fear that I will be judged and fall short of the mark, but by living in fear I have done a disservice to my faith and my God. No matter how hard I try, I will fall short of His grace. There are no works great enough to earn the grace provided by Jesus. But, I can try to live better and work on my faults in an effort to glorify Him and His sacrifice.

On another front, I am considering do the Couch to 5K program. A couple of girls in my mommy group are going to run a 5K in October and they are doing the program. I need to lose weight and get in better shape and this program would force me to do it. I so admire my dear friend Sarah (and now her husband too) for being runners. I used to LOVE to run. I know, it makes no sense for a fat chick to love running. It hurts your feet, your joints, and probably the pavement. LOL. I'm worried I'm too fat to do it, but there's something inside of me that says, "Stop being afraid. Try new things your interested in. Go for it." I'm going to look at ace bandages and shoe inserts today. If I run, I'm going to need some products for my feet.

Ok, I'm off for the day. I've got to go to a couple banks and run some errands. TTYL. Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

YAYAYAYAYYA! (That's my screaming and praising in jubliant joy, not some weird language!!!) :) LOL! Johnna, I'm so happy for you on so many fronts! What a multiple blessing day! Not only has God provided with your bank but also is showing you the goodness and graciousness of His fold! Yay! I have a story to tell you sometime (it's much too long to type).

Not only that, but SUPER DUPER DOUBLE YAY that you're going to do your program with your fellow Tulsa Moms. I remember when you would run these un-humanly amounts of miles when we were in high school, I was so envious of you and your strength! You can do it again, my dear darling friend! Get some quality inserts for your shoes (protect those tootsies) and take it one day at a time. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day! (That's what I have to tell myself anyway. :)) I love you, sweetheart and I'm so uplifted by your post!