Monday, June 2, 2008

Wow! What a storm! We had a horrific storm on Sunday with baseball-sized hail and 70 mph wind. Both windshields were destroyed and our roof probably needs replaced. Our deductible on the car in $500, the truck is not covered, and the deductible on the house ins $1000. When it rains, it pours. That's $3000 in unexpected expenses in the last month. How do people with 1 income handle it? We've worked so hard to pay down our credit card. We have about $1000 left to pay and I hate--HATE---the very idea of putting anything on the credit card, but I hate the thought of going back to work and leaving my infant son in daycare even MORE. Sigh. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Do I go back to work or try and weather the financial storm? If I go back to work, where? It'll have to pay a good wage to compensate for gas and daycare costs.

Well, in case y'all don't know, I also have a blog at whatweate08. It's a group of stay at home moms that decided to help motivate each other to lose weight. One of my friends from the group lost 80 pounds before she got pregnant. 80 pounds! Can you imagine the dedication? I need to lose that much, but I'm intimidated by the very thought of it. My goal is 20 lbs right now. I weigh in tomorrow to see how much I lost this first week on the diet. I did pretty good on my food choices, but not so good on my exercise. I only exercised 3 times this week. I broke my toe on the first day of the diet and sprained my ankle too. It's been such a rough week.

That's all for now. Gotta go.

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