Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Teething Nightmares

What a couple of days! Yesterday I started my diet--whether you call it a diet or a lifestyle it still sucks. I went back on South Beach because it has worked for me in the past and because I know it does good things for my body (i.e. lower cholesterol, lower triglycerides, regulated sugar, ect). It's not an easy diet. You cannot have any refined sugars or refined carbs. Did you think it would be easy and work? South Beach has two sides. On one side, it's very demanding and you can't indulge in that chocolate or that pasta, but on the other side, the enforced consumption of lean meats and vegetables makes you feel full on less food. I have a portion problem. I eat when I'm hungry, I eat when I'm emotional (any emotion will due), and I eat when I'm socializing. Not only do I eat too frequently, I eat bad foods and way too much of it. For instance, right now I would love to eat a box of macaroni and cheese. Don't ask me why. I don't eat mac n cheese everyday so I'm not sure where this craving is coming from. (Sigh) This too shall pass.

Yesterday started off great. I made eggs and ham for breakfast for the dh and myself. The baby was happy and playing with dh while I cooked. Then, Jarred yells and I run back to see what's going on...he's taught the baby a new trick. Evan can sit up (on occasion) by himself! Of course I was excited, but I had to get back to the eggs. I turned and scurried toward the door, hoping to keep the eggs from burning. KABAM! I broke my toe. Yep. I broke my toe on Jarred's shoe that he left in the doorway. My little pinkie toe is black and blue and scarlet red. It's pretty, maybe prettier than it was before I broke it.

Breaking my toe wasn't good enough, so I tried to break my leg in the afternoon. I was determined to exercise on the first day of my diet so I took Evan for a walk in his stroller. I was happily pushing the stroller on the sidewalks in town when suddenly, SWOOSH! My foot came out from under me and fell smack dab on the concrete. I have a bruise the size of two baseballs and my ankle hurts like the Dickens. Not only did I hurt myself falling, I scuffed myself up further when I desperately reached for the runaway stroller that held my peacefully sleeping son in it. LOL. Well, I saved the boy and gathered up my tarnished pride and got myself off the ground. I was sopping wet. I had fallen on a wet sidewalk and everything from my waist down was soaked. I had 1/2 mile to walk back to the car. I received some pretty perplexed looks on my way back to my car.

That was yesterday. Today, I hurt. My pinkie toe is ok, at least from a broken toe, but my left leg and left foot are both miserable. I kind of feel like I'm falling apart. (sigh) At least I've been faithful to my diet. I knew I should go on a diet, but it took something major to convince me to get started. Sunday I had an episode. My left hand suddenly went numb and started to swell. We called the insurance nurse hot line and they told us to go the dr b/c it could be a mini stroke. Yikes! Needless to say, it was not a stroke, it was a fluke caused by leaning on the crib all night trying to get my beautiful son to sleep in his own bed. The other symptoms were caused by a mild case of food poisoning. Just thought that I could have a stroke b/c of my weight is mind-blowing. I have to do something about it. I don't think I'll ever be thin, but I could be healthier. I've even got Jarred on the diet. He ate a salad for lunch--a salad!! He's been on the diet for 2 days--the longest he's ever been on a diet. Now, he's had a few allowances. He drinks about a liter of soda a day, but that's less than normal. Good job Jarred!

This post was supposed to be about Evan's teething and the fact that he's cantankerous. He's exhausting sometimes. My friend has a beautiful little girl who is 10 weeks, about a month younger than Evan. She never fusses. Today her mom said, "My she's really fussy," and she wasn't even crying, she was just squirming. !! When Evan is fussy, you know it. He has the lungs of a young opera singer. AAAAAHHHHHH. Just imagine...

He's asleep now and I need to clean. Jarred is almost home and I'm going to warm him a plate. I made baked chicken and broccoli for supper. Yum. Really, yum. Not all diet food is bad. :-)

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