Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Recipe Results

The new recipe turned out fantastic! Yippee! I highly recommend it. I'm going to take the leftover roast and make vegetable soup out of it today. I've got a meetup planned tomorrow and we're supposed to bring a dish so I'm bringing veg. soup and jello jigglers (sugar free). I've never made jigglers before. Darn it! I forgot to buy cookie cutters! I don't have any. I'll either have to cut them into cubes or use a glass. I'll work out something. I've got to use what I have anyway b/c I'm on a strict budget. You never realize how much you spend on the extra stuff until you're forced to stop.

Gotta run. The baby is crying. (Is this my life? Is the only thing I do pick up a crying baby?)


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