Monday, June 30, 2008


I just posted a prayer asking the Lord to provide my heart's desire and to let me stay home with my infant son. I prayed this knowing that we don't have the money to pay our bills unless we dip deep into the remaining savings we have, at which point I would have to go to work to keep us from relying on credit cards to pay our bills (always a bad plan). Today, just after I had prayed for God's blessing, I went to the mailbox and found 2 wonderful surprises! First, my mother had sent us $150!!! That pays a bill!!! Yippeee! Second, we got a check from the insurance company for our roof! Now we just have to find someone to do it for a little less than what we have. We NEED to catch up our savings and our best bet is to have someone do the roof for less than we have so that we can put the rest in savings. Jarred has roofed many a house, but he would need some help... He's thinking of asking his brother to come out and help.

I am encouraged and hopeful once more. Thank you Lord for your blessings! They astound me.

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