Monday, September 22, 2008

First 5K: COMPLETE! :-)

Yay! We did it! We actually completed our first 5K. I can't believe it. I still don't consider us "runners" like you hardcore bloggers over at Sarah's site, but I'm proud of us nonetheless. :-) It took us 43 minutes, which included 31 minutes jogging and 12 minutes walking. Now, I know that's slow, but you have to consider where we started.

For me, it's almost a miracle. The first day I started working out I broke my toe in the morning and fell and sprained my ankle in the afternoon. LOL

From July 07 until his birth, I was on some sort of restricted activity until the last month or so when I was put on strict bedrest. My son Evan was born on 2-12-08, nearly 1 month early due to complications. It was a very difficult pregnancy and the days following his birth weren't exactly a walk in the park either. My feet were so swollen that they actually split on top. I had been so inactive for so many months that walking the length of the house was my first official "workout." That's where I started so I'm thrilled that I was able to do a 5K.

I read Sarah's blog faithfully. I read it b/c I love that sweet, wonderful woman, but also b/c I love to hear about her running. There's something to running that makes you love it even when your sides hurt and you can't quite catch your breath. There's a satisfaction that comes with completing a run or sticking it out a few minutes longer. It's a personal challenge between you, your body, and the pavement of the road. Yes, I know most of you could run 4 miles in the time it took me to do 3.1, but for myself, I won this challenge. I've come a long way and I hope to get better. The SAHM girls and I are signing up for the Tulsa run in October. It's a true 5K, none of that walking stuff. :-)

Willie, my mouth dropped open when I realized someone actually read my posts. :-) LOL Thanks for the encouragement. You a sweetie. :-)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Congrats - what an awesome accomplishment!!