Tuesday, July 15, 2008

To Do List

Goodness! There's a lot to do today. As many of you know, I'm obsessed with lists. I make lists for chores, for errands, for groceries, for goals, for just about anything. I don't always get them done, but I love to list them. LOL One Christmas, Jarred got me a Franklin Covey planner thinking that I would love it b/c I love to make lists. Well, I hardly used it. It didn't fit in my purse and it was overly complicated for my needs. It was a wonderful gift and I still feel badly that I didn't use it.

Well, I've already been to the gym this morning so I feel pretty good (I only did 15 minutes of walking b/c my back and foot are so messed up, but at least it was something). I'm sitting here typing away while sweat drips down my neck. Ha! It's a good feeling. :-) I got up at 6:30 to Evan's morning wail--his first of the day! I couldn't believe it. He slept through the night again. I love when he does that. I've started putting him to bed earlier and I thought it would result in him getting up earlier, but not so last night (which was the 1st night of the experiment). Evan's been eating well and he sleeps better b/c of it. He looooooovvvvves sweet potatoes. Go figure. I think they're nasty, but he loves them. I guess if all I'd ever eaten was breast milk, formula, rice cereal, oatmeal, and mashed green beans, I might love them too. LOL. He's such a mess when he eats. I'll try and upload some pictures. He's too cute.

Today's Agenda:
1. Pay phone bill
2. Pay gas bill
3. Go to Walgreens
4. Go to Homeland
5. Do laundry (another 3 loads)
6. Clean house
7. E-mail Ben (real estate agent)
8. Track package/call bank
9. Call auto shop about repairs
10. E-mail Tiffany: Cannot attend function tomorrow
11. Organize my coupons

Things I'd like to do, but won't
1. Read a book
2. Shave my legs
3. Fill in Evan's baby book
4. Put together his first photo album, with narration

Well, it's going to be a busy day so I better get going. Hope y'all have a wonderful day. :-)

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