Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday, March 29: Getting Back to Blogging

Wow. I haven't blogged since December of 2008. Oh dear. I knew it had been some time, but I did not realize it had been that long. Good thing nobody reads my blog. LOL

I have returned to blogging with a specific purpose in mind. I'm going to TRY to track my weight loss efforts. I have always struggled with my weight. Even when I was insanely active, I was overweight. Now that I'm a mom and a teacher, well, let's just say I have a spare tire or two. Yikes.

The big 3-0 is approaching this October. I'm not quite sure what that means in all practicality. I know it's just a number and that it's just another year, but it does make you think. It makes you reflect on who you are and where you are in life, not to forget where you want to be. I'm really, really lucky. I have met a lot of my goals: (1) I teach at a junior college, which was one of my career goals, (2) I have a fantastic husband, and (3) I have an amazing 2 yo son. I'm just plain lucky.

With that said, there are SO many things I want to do. I want to grow and change, evolve really. I want to be debt-free. I want to finish my Masters. I want another baby. Sigh. I feel like I'm running out of time. Stupid stigma attached to the big 3-0.

Well, the purpose of blogging again (ostensibly) is to track my weight loss efforts. Folks, this is day 6, and I have to tell you it's NOT going well at all. I have made better food choices than I have in a year. I've also exercised some. I purchased a workout dvd starring Bob the Biggest Loser Trainer. I couldn't move for 2 days! I am incredibly out of shape. Sad. Very sad.

I need to set the scene here. I just went off birth control a month ago. Why is this significant? Birth control is my regulator, it lets me function like everyone else. I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian Syndrome--most common form of infertility in the world). It generally means my hormones are messed up, and it is most commonly treated with birth control pills. But, you can't conceive a baby on birth control (or not very likely).

Everytime I go off the pill, I gain 10 lbs. True to form, I've gained 10 lbs. I feel sick about it. I'm waaaaayyy too big to start with. I definitely don't need another 10 lbs hanging on these hips. It's really difficult for me to lose weight. It never works like the equation "they" say it is. You know the equation: fewer calories consumed + exercise = weight loss. Yeah right. No problem. It's all that simple. That equation works (or else nobody would every lose weight), but it doesn't always work for me. I don't know what's going on with my body.

Aunt Flo is getting ready to visit and I'm hoping that's why I haven't lost any weight. I hope I lose some weight this next week or my motivation is going to start sagging. We'll see how it goes.

Ok, I've got to log off and go see Bob. Dang Bob.

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